Children and Youth

Children and Youth Activities at Belfairs


Here at Belfairs we have two uniformed organisations, Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade that offer a wide range of exciting and enjoyable activities. Full details of the programmes offered can be viewed on the links to the right of this page and, each year they also organise a youth holiday, usually the first week of the summer holidays. 

There is a Parent / Carer & Toddler group that runs on Wednesday mornings, 10am - 11.30am, term-time.


After 113 years of having an active Sunday School at Belfairs, due to our 21st Century lives, we have decided to trial something new. Once a term, we are going to hold a Family Crafternoon! An afternoon of crafts, music, stories and refreshments for the whole family. Look out for details on this website and our Facebook page.

Sunday 6th April 3pm - 4.30pm - Easter crafternoon.

Sunday 6th July 3pm - 4.30pm

Sunday 5th October 3pm - 4.30pm

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