Eco Church

Eco Church - A Rocha International

Welcome to

Belfairs Methodist Church

Eco Church page.

‘We recognise and teach that creation care and action to address the climate and nature crises are integral to Christian faith, life and worship. We are committed to responding to this by participating in the A Rocha UK Eco Church award scheme.’

Like many churches, of all denominations, Belfairs is commited to looking after Gods planet.  We have achieved a Bronze award and are already half way to our Silver award!

A Rocha UK Eco Church has a lot of information and resources and so we are going to use these pages to put direct links on for further information.

This page will change regularly and will include different areas that are covered by Eco Church (older articles can be found on our "articles" page).

By using the resources, we hope that you will become more aware of your carbon footprint and pledge to reduce it year on year.

You can also register your own household, for awards, on Creation Care.  When you register, select Belfairs Methodist Church from the church dropdown list and you will be linked to our account - we may even present your awards to you, in church! One of our families has already registered and gained a bronze award.


A Rocha UK Prayer Diary - January to March 2025


In order to obtain a Silver award, we have to obtain a “silver” in all 5 of the categories.  Currently, we have:-

Worship & Teaching – Gold

Building & Energy – Silver

Land & Nature – Silver

Lifestyle – Silver

Community & Global – Bronze


We try to promote, encourage, support and engage people in getting involved in conservation groups, looking at their own lifestyle choices and getting out in nature. We are very fortunate to live in an area where there are beaches, park land and woods – all with their own different types of wildlife inhabitants.  Most of us have a garden, or even a few plant pots, where we can plant wildflowers for butterflies, bees, insects etc.

I appreciate that not everyone has a computer, or is on Facebook, but please look at what is going on in our community and try and help if possible.  It may be picking up some litter outside your house, it might be giving a financial contribution to a conservation group like Essex Wildlife Trust, or it might just be donating your pre-loved clothes to the local charity shop.  Every little helps. Even talking to your neighbour helps to get the message “out there”.

As I said in the service on 2nd February, it would be impractical to change our church car park into a wildlife sanctuary, but we can make changes in our own homes and lives, and we can encourage others to do the same.

Psalm 24:1-2 (NIV) The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.

Genesis 1:31 (NIV) God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.


Thank you for Caring about our planet!


Quick Links

www carbon footprint calculator

Climate Stewards

Creation Care

Eco Church Resources



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