Church Eco Plan, Environmental Policy & Bronze Certificate

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Belfairs Methodist Church

Eco Church Plan




Belfairs Methodist Church wants to respond faithfully to climate and nature change.

‘We recognise and teach that creation care and action to address the climate and nature crises are integral to Christian faith, life and worship. We are committed to responding to this by participating in the A Rocha UK Eco Church award scheme.’

  • Where services and liturgies allow, we will endeavour to include climate change and nature crisis within our teachings including bible readings, hymns, songs and prayers.

‘Our church has recognised the climate and nature crises and the fundamental injustice these represent. We have committed to reducing our carbon footprint year-on-year, in line with our denomination’s commitment to net zero.’

  • Where practical and with financial sustainability, we will change to low energy light bulbs, heaters and other energy efficient appliances.
  • We will choose green energy where possible and pledge to change ‘non-green’ appliances with ‘green’ appliances when replacement is deemed necessary.

‘Our church recognises the significant contribution churches can make to the UK’s target of 30% of the land protected for nature by 2030. We manage our own land for nature where possible.’

  • We will add bug houses to our green areas and use wild or locally sourced plants where possible.
  • We will look at effective, non-toxic, pesticides.

‘Our church recognises the impact of the climate and nature crises and has a plan or strategy to take action LOCALLY and/or NATIONALLY and/or GLOBALLY.’

  • Through our council recycling contract, we pledge to recycle what we can and send food waste for compostable means.
  • We will purchase recycled products (both made from recyclable products or pre-used items), where possible, and pledge to limit our landfill waste.
  • We will continue to prayer for local, national and global organisations who are able to take action on our behalf.

‘We recognise that we can have an impact on the world through the choices available to us and our use of money and resources. We will strive to support our church family and wider community in bringing about positive change and care for God’s Earth. We will seek to encourage our church community and beyond to live gently on the Earth and be prepared to challenge systemic injustice.’

  • As a church, we will continue to encourage people to look at their own homes, gardens, lifestyles etc and choose green alternatives, reuse, recycle and, where possible, choose ethical companies to do business with.




Belfairs Methodist Church

Environmental Policy


Policy statement

We recognise the urgency of the climate and nature crises and the fundamental injustice these represent. We will take the practical steps necessary to strive toward safeguarding the integrity of creation and sustaining the life of the Earth.

Denominational commitment

As a member of the Methodist Church, we recognise the commitment made by The Methodist Church which has set an aspirational target of becoming a net zero carbon emissions church by 2030. In other words, by 2030 we won't be responsible for adding to the problem of climate change. In line with our denomination’s commitment to net zero, we have committed to reducing our carbon footprint year on year.

Our principles and values

God created the world and everything in it. God has created an awesome and majestic cosmos to bring him praise and glory. We are but one part of his created order. Jesus has redeemed the whole earth through his death and resurrection. We have a special responsibility to care for the Earth so that human life and all God’s creatures may be sustained in harmony.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1, NIV).

Our church is committed to minimising our negative impact on the environment. As Christians it is our responsibility to care for creation, using resources wisely so that climate change is mitigated, biodiversity protected or enhanced, finite resources conserved, and waste and pollution minimised.

Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it… (Isaiah 42:5, NIV).

Seeking climate justice is part of Christian discipleship and practice. Following Christ’s teachings means loving our global neighbours and caring for creation. The climate crisis both reflects and feeds off inequality, exploitation and greed: often the communities who are suffering the most from its effects, particularly in the Global South, are those who have done the least to cause it. We will aim to act in accordance with this understanding, making changes to improve our sustainability and to show solidarity with those across the world who are suffering in this crisis.

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8, NIV).

Our commitments

Worship and Teaching

We will communicate our biblical understanding of responsibility to God for all that is entrusted to us through creation, making the links between poverty, wealth and environmental degradation. We will strive to equip leadership, staff, volunteers and church members with the skills, knowledge and confidence to respond to this responsibility.

Buildings and Energy

We recognise the most important environmental impact will be an ongoing reduction of our carbon emissions. We will seek to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as much as we can, working toward net zero carbon.

Land and Nature

We will respond to the nature crisis and loss of biodiversity through practical action, collaboration and campaigning.

Community and Global Engagement

We will highlight and raise awareness that the climate and nature crises affect the poorest first and worst, so our responsibility is to them and the places they live, wherever they are in the world, to promote justice for people and nature.


We recognise that we have an impact on the world through the choices available to us and our use of money and resources. We will strive to support our church family and wider community in bringing about positive change and care for God’s Earth. We will seek to encourage our church community and beyond to live gently on the Earth and be prepared to challenge systemic injustice.

Our objectives

Create an Eco Church Plan to cover our commitments in Worship & Teaching, Buildings & Energy, Land & Nature, Community & Global awareness and Lifestyle.


Date policy adopted: 29th December 2024

Date of review: February 2026

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